Wondering Who This Is?

My name is Alison Steinberg, I am the Online Services Librarian at San Diego Mesa College (no view expressed on this blog is necessarily shared by my employer). I am also an education technology doctorate student at Pepperdine University through their hybrid program. I was a teacher librarian in K-12 ed for over 10 years before I moved to academic librarianship in January of 2007. I was very involved in the California School Library Association and spoke at many conferences. Since my move I have been checking out my new world, I am surprised at how different academic librarianship can be from the K-12 education system. I love my job, I feel very fortunate. I believe I am ready to become more involved with my new worldwide colleagues (maybe even a few committees once my dissertation gets off the ground) and this blog is the big kick-off.

4 Responses to “About”

  1. Rebecca Says:

    I don’t understand a lot of the technical jargon, because this isn’t my area of specialty, but it is nice to look in on your blog once in awhile. Keep it up!

  2. thewikiman Says:

    Hi Alison, I just wondered if you’d like to participate in the Library Routes Project? (I promise this isn’t random spam – I’ve not left messages on anyone else’s blog about this…) It’s a project documenting how and why people get into this profession, and I’d be interested in what you had to say. If so, the Wiki can be found at http://libraryroutesproject.wikkii.com.

  3. I’m sorta disappointed you’ve given up on your blog & your brand. Or did you just move it? Years ago, I quietly and jealously coveted your name – the “Animated Librarian” I went with the Daring Librarian & it has served me well – but I just wanted to say you were an inspiration. Hope you are doing well in Academia! Cheers!

    1. animatedlibrarian Says:

      Hi daringlibrarian, I haven’t given up the brand I use it in many ways. I have dropped off of the librarian blog because I didn’t feel I had much to add at the time but wanted to leave my options open. I so have a quilting blog called animatedlibrarianquilts. com. I have also had some health issues that have taken president.

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